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3 Nottingham Street, Prahran (Windsor) 3181
0400 041 976
Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor BAppSc (Clinical Science)BCSc(RMIT)
Spinal Health & Wellness
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Spinal Manipulation/Chiropractic Adjustment Improves Joint Motion, Relaxes Muscles, Reduces Pain.
Spinal Manipulation/Chiropractic Adjustment is so effective because it addresses the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction
Restricted, Inflamed Joints Cause Altered Sensory Input Into Brain & Altered Brain Function
Restricted, Inflamed Joints Cause Altered Sensory Input Into Brain that Leads to Altered Brain Function Affecting Pain Perception, Moods,...
Physical Therapy Modalities: No Evidence of Benefit for Back Pain Despite Wide Use
Physical Therapy Modalities: No evidence of benefit for Back Pain despite wide use: Chiropractic Adjustment/SMT has always been most effecti
Study Shows Chiropractic SMT/Adjustments Most Effective for Adolescent Low Back Pain: and Benefits T
"For adolescents with chronic LBP, spinal manipulation combined with exercise was more effective than exercise alone over a 1-year peri
Study Shows Chiropractic Care Begins to Immediately Improve Chronic Back Pain
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Paracetamol for back pain?
"At the end of treatment paracetamol was found to delay recovery, with a relative risk for recovery of 0.66 (0.44–1.01) compared with n
Insurance Data from Hundreds of Thousands of Patients Shows Superior Benefits, Reduced Costs, and Su
Patients were 75-90% less likely to have short, or long-term exposure to opioids if the first provider they saw was a chiropractor compared
Study Shows Chiropractic SMT Far Superior to Medication or Acupuncture
"The highest proportion of early (asymptomatic status) recovery was found for manipulation (27.3%), followed by acupuncture (9.4%) and
Landmark Research Shows Chiropractic 2700% More Effective than Medical or Physiotherapy Care
"Compared to family physician-directed usual care [prescription drugs from physicians, referral to physiotherapist and/or kinesiologist
Maintenance Chiropractic Care Better Than Symptom-Guided Care
This study showed that maintenance care at frequency of 1-3 months resulted in significantly fewer days of discomfort than symptom-guided ca
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