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3 Nottingham Street, Prahran (Windsor) 3181
0400 041 976
Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor BAppSc (Clinical Science)BCSc(RMIT)
Spinal Health & Wellness
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Supplementation with Vitamin D Prevents and Treats Depression
"A meta-analysis of all studies without flaws demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in depression with Vitamin D supplements.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Strong Predictor of Mortality (and Health Status)
Being overweight is harmful to your health - period. It is not an issue of value or attractiveness or
discrimination, it is a scientifically

Belly fat? What does it mean?
Insulin resistance is one of the pillars of chronic illness. Insulin resistance and the resulting high blood sugar and/or diabetes are the e

Sedentary Behaviour Associated with Brain Shrinkage and Dementia: Get Moving and Protect Your Brain!
"Growing evidence from clinical trials, epidemiological and neuroscience research suggests that physical exercise is a promising interv

Research Shows Healthy Lifestyle Adds Years to Life and Unhealthy Lifestyle Subtracts Years from Lif
The Canadian life expectancy associated with health behaviour recommendations was 17.9 years greater for people with the most favourable ris

Can you do enough PUSH-UPS to SAVE your HEART?
"Significant negative associations were found between increasing push-up capacity and CVD events. Participants able to complete more th

New Studies Prove Effectiveness of Innate Lifestyle Plan Approach for Chronic Conditions
How we eat, move, and think determines which genes get expressed or 'activated' and this determines our metabolic states such as str

Make the Ultimate New Year's Resolution: Commit to 'Live Right for Your Species Type'
1. Go for a walk every day (1 minute is better than 0 - work up to 30 minutes).
2. Do some deep squats and pushups every day (1 is better t

The BioLOGICAL Laws of Lifestyle & Health (or Illness). Pt 2
"Healthy habitat and lifestyle choices for any species are defined as those that elicit the genetic expression of health within that sp

The BioLOGICAL Laws of Lifestyle and Health (or Illness). Pt 1
1. "State of genetic expression determines state of health and illness (genetic expression is which specific genes are being expressed
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