Omega-3 Fish Oil and Vitamin D in OmegA+D Sufficiency Essential for Brain Function and Brain ProtectDeficient intake of the essential nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D) is associated with significant decline in brain health, sign
Beat the Winter Blues - and Colds and Flus!"Here, we propose mechanisms by which serotonin synthesis, release, and function in the brain are modulated by vitamin D and the 2 mari
OmegA+D Sufficiency - The Best D-Fense Against Cold and Flu Season"In the present study, it was observed that fish oil supplementation improved the immune system by increasing the functioning of neutro
Want a Healthy Heart? New Study Adds More Proof That Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Heart DiseaseThis study, the most comprehensive to date investigating supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, provides conclusive evidence of the benef
VITAL Study on Omega-3 and Vitamin D Show Remarkable Benefits of SupplementationSpecifically, the omega-3 fatty acid intervention lowered the risk of heart attack by 28% and the risk of fatal heart attack by 50% but had
Supplementing with Fish Oil Reduces Sun Burn, Skin Inflammation, and Risk of Skin Cancer!The scientific literature indicates that risk of skin cancer is increased primarily from the damage and inflammation resulting from sun BURN