Research Indicates Chiropractic Effective for Disc Herniation and SciaticaThis study showed that maintenance care at frequency of 1-3 months resulted in significantly fewer days of discomfort than symptom-guided ca
New Studies Prove Effectiveness of Innate Lifestyle Plan Approach for Chronic ConditionsHow we eat, move, and think determines which genes get expressed or 'activated' and this determines our metabolic states such as str
Want a Healthy Heart? New Study Adds More Proof That Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Heart DiseaseThis study, the most comprehensive to date investigating supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, provides conclusive evidence of the benef
Research Shows Spinal Issues Don't Recover Without Proper CareIt is no more logical to wait for back pain to go away or to use drugs to numb back pain than it is to wait for tooth pain to go away or to